Friday, December 11, 2009


Matching shirts..... $40
Picture with Santa.... $20
Expression on our kids' faces..... PRICELESS

Sometimes the best pictures are those that are not perfect!

Poor Dominic, bribed with gold fishies & if you look close enough you can see them uneaten in his mouth. Ethan had no idea what was going on!

I'm Santa's Favorite

Our little cuties are ready for the holidays!

Christmas Tree

I wanted this tree, but I guess it was too big for our house

And still too big...

Daddy said he would never be "that guy" that puts the tree on the roof of the car. Guess you're that guy now!
Move over Clark Griswald!

Hey Dom, where's the tree?

Can this little boy ever stop smiling?

Being silly with dad while decorating the tree

I guess both smiling is too much to ask...

This is how we found Ethan while decorating the tree

Happy Birthday Dominic!

Happy 2nd Birthday Dominic!

It wouldn't be a party unless it was themed Little Einsteins!
The cake was perfect!

Dominic loved his Einstein music Birthday Card

Jumping with Auntie Joya

Auntie Veronica, Grandma, Mommy, & Ethan

Auntie Veronica & Nana

Dominic stuck his hand in the cake before we even sang.
Here he is saying his famous, "Ewwww!"

Yummy cake

Playing with cousin Carter

Dominic loved opening all of the presents & he quickly figured out that the best ones were those with toys. Typical kid!

Ethan - 3 Months

Our little cutie pie already 3 months old!
Time flies