Sunday, February 27, 2011

Customer In Training

There's a new Customer in Training at Ralphs!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Any Day...

Any day now, this kid will figure out how to get up the stairs without having to deal with the baby gate. We can actually thank Lady for this one, since she was the one who first taught Dominic how to bypass the gate. Now Ethan is trying to figure it out. So far he can only get his head & one leg through. We'll see...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Valentines was very fun this year & of course the boys loved their presents

Still a big smile for Lightning McQueen

Dominic got a Buzz Lightyear lunch box

Toys Story towels for theboys

Ethan got a Toy Story book set

Silly Daddy

I had to include a picture of the card I got Daddy...
It is us in a nutshell!

It's like it was made for us!
Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 18, 2011


Ethan has quite the sweet tooth... Especially when it comes to Lollipops

This guy cracks me up... when he's not being just plain cute, you'll often find him being either really dramatic or just really funny!

Big Brown Eyes

The Future of Arcon Structural Engineers

We often go to see Pappy at his office & the boys always have so much fun visiting him

As you can tell Ethan loves to run up & down the office

Dominic practicing to take over the business for Pappy

Ethan may have to fight Dominic for job of President of the company

Preschool Here We Come...

Hard to believe Dominic will be starting preschool next school year!
He absolutely loved his new school & claims he wants to go back to visit, hopefully this same attitude continues on September 12th!

Stroller Strides Valentine's Party

Dominic helped make his Valentines for all of his Stroller Strides friends

Of course they have Woody & Buzz Lightyear

Ethan's friend Charlie... I kid you not, she weighs as much as he does & she is not even 1 year old!

Seriously... Do I not feed my kids enough?
She is a cutie!

Enjoying his treats

Ethan loved collecting more & more candy


Can he be any cuter?!

Love my little Valentines!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's Cupcakes

We made Valentine's Cupcakes all together

Dominic loves to do the taste test

Ethan thought it was pretty funny to be able to dip his fingers in too

Almost time!

Decorating cupcakes together... Who knew boys could be this creative?!


Pretend City

We got year passes to Pretend City & the boys are in heaven!

This is the best indoor activity for them

Farmer Ethan picking some Lettuce

And Strawberries

Yuck! Trying to eat the strawberries... No wonder this kid is always sick!


Girl toys are so interesting!

Playing on stage

Just like his Pappy

Our little Engineer