Sunday, October 16, 2011

Nascar Race Experience

For Father's Day we got daddy & Papa the Nascar Race Experience package where you can drive a real race car

Uncle Leo, Papa, & Daddy checking in

Uncle Leo

Mommy & Aunt Jamie

Getting suited up

Daddy getting his helmet

Daddy & Uncle Leo

Ready to race

So Hot!

Daddy & his car

Uncle Leo


Daddy Racing

Papa Racing

All done... quick 8 minutes topping out at almost 151 mph!

Ethan Sick

Poor Ethan did not escape the virus Dom had. He ended up waking up on Saturday morning at 1am with a fever & throwing up. Poor guy had up to a 104.7 fever!

Finally Motrin seemed to do the trick after a whole day of up and down fevers. This is him playing with a fever of about 101. Much better than before!

Dominic Sick Again

Dominic got sick with another virus that turned into Croup. Poor guy!

We had put him to bed the other night & this is where we found him when we came up to check on him. Guess he wanted to spy on us!

Dennis {Ethan} The Menace

Bless this little boy... He sure does some funny things!

I had told him to put the clean wash rags away (under the sink) & this is where I found them.


"Mommy, Uh Oh"

Oooppps... Had to wash these again

Irvine Park

We love Irvine Park during Halloween time

So many pumpkins

Watching for the train

Dominic & Ethan in the jumper

Love the pose

Picking baby pumpkins

OC Fire Authority Open House

Dominic in the back of the ambulance

Checking everything out

Firefighter Dominic

Dominic & Ethan shooting the fire hose

He looks so little

Driving the fire truck

Mommy had fun too

This is the big training site for the Orange County Fire Fighters... It was pretty amazing!

One of my favorite pics

We had so much fun exploring the open house... Pretty amazing to be around so many heroes!